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git rebase vs merge 차이?

by 개발자종혁 2020. 3. 13.


Git merge

  • 커밋 순서를 바꾸지않는다(Non desdtructive operation: does not change commit order)
  • 존재하는 브랜치가 변경되지 않는다 (Existing branches are not changed in any way)
  • 새로운 merge commit을 생성한다. (Creates a new merge commit in the feature branch)

1. merge 전




2. merge 후



Git rebase

  - 전체 브랜치를 마스터 브랜치 끝에 잇는다.( moves the entire branch to begin on the tip of the master branch)




Git Merge | Atlassian Git Tutorial


Git Merge | Atlassian Git Tutorial

Git branching intro. Create, list, rename, delete branches with git branch. git checkout: select which line of development you want and navigate branches


git rebase | Atlassian Git Tutorial


git rebase | Atlassian Git Tutorial

Rebase is one of two Git utilities that specializes in integrating changes from one branch onto another.



